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Hiking Etiquette

Take all trash with you

Do not leave anything in the mountains. Take all rubbish with you and dispose of it properly.


Stay on the trail

Don't step off the trail. It is easy to get lost in the mountains in Yakushima. Staying on trail also prevents damaging plants and disturbing wildlife.


Keep the water clean

Do not pollute the mountain water. This is particularly important around toilet and cooking areas in the mountains. Use only designated facilities, and don’t wash your dishes in the water. Wipe the plates with tissues and bring the them back with you. 


No fires

Never, ever, light a fire in the mountains. It is illegal and can spread rapidly with disastrous consequences. 


Keep your pets at home

Please don’t take your pets into the mountains. They can upset the wildlife and damage the precious ecosystem.


Check mountain trails in advance

The mountain trail may be in closed or different in different conditions, so be sure to check in advance. Contact the Tourist Association beforehand.


Take the right equipment

Even if the weather is good on the coast, the weather in the mountains can change rapidly and rain gear is a necessity.  Jomon cedar at an altitude of about 1300m, the temperature difference from the coast is close to 10 ℃. If you are going on a long hike, plan ahead and make sure you have equipment to keep you warm and dry. This applies in summer and is particularly important in winter. 

Staying in mountain huts

You should only stay overnight in a mountain hut. Mountain huts can be full so bring a tent with you. You can pitch a tent by the hut. All the huts in Yakushima are unmanned. Water and toilets are available nearby. Bring everything you need with you such as food, flashlights and sleeping bags. 

*Until the number of Covid-19 cases is under control, mountain huts are for emergency purposes only. Please bring a tent and pitch it in the designated areas by the mountain hut. 

Submit climbing notice

When climbing, please submit a climbing notice. They can be filled out and submitted at the Yakushima Police Station, Yakushima Town Hall, police boxes, the airport, tourist information centres, the World Natural Heritage Centre, the Yakushima Environmental and Cultural Village Centre, and each mountain trail entrance (Arakawa, Yodogawa, Shiratani Unsuikyo) ). You can also leave them with your accommodation host.

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